Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Preschool, here I come!

Sammi started preschool almost two weeks ago. I feel bad that this hasn't been posted earlier. She was incredibly excited! She began the countdown the day that school finished before summer break! She had her outfit picked out weeks in advance and the moment she woke up that morning, she threw on her clothes and was ready to go! Because school doesn't start until after lunch, it was a very long morning. She has been having a great time. Here is the cutie before leaving on her first day of her second year of preschool.

1 comment:

Kris and Sarah said...

So cute! She looks so grown up. So I was thinking about the whole court thing. I think you should stuff a pillow on top of your back, drag a leg when you walk in, and drool a little. That would totally get you off. ha ha My goodness, they really like you in those court systems out there. :)