Monday, December 08, 2008

The Repeat Offender

Now that Andrew is extremely mobile, he is what Steve refers to as a "one-man-wrecking-crew." That says it all. This day I was putting the dishes away. Before I could relish in my pride of a task completed without interruption, I noticed it was quiet. Don't get me wrong, it is a sound I quite enjoy, music to my ears really. But, after having three kids I know better. I know that silence and random "Mommy, I love you's" mean trouble. So recognizing this silent alarm, I searched for Andrew. There he was in the dirt. He was so proud of the damage that he had done. Behind the chunks of potting soil was the cutest grin. I had a very hard time hiding my laughter at the event and tried desperately to reprimand the little destroyer. After a bath, vacuuming, sweeping and mopping everything was as good as new, for a few hours anyway............

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Lindsay, I'm so happy to have found your blog! Your little guy is so cute. I try hard to keep Henry from playing in my plants so you'll see this challenge will be on-going. I do say you handled it a lot better than I would have though!
I think if you click on my name you'll find my blog too, if you want. :)