Monday, February 02, 2009

Breakfast in Bed

Yesterday, as I was primping, the girls asked Steve for breakfast in bed. It was so sweet. He made French toast and brought it up for them. They sat in bed, ate, giggled, and talked for almost an hour. Whenever the girls aren't getting along, our motto has been "sisters are friends." I think that it is really coming to pass.


Mindy said...

That is so cute! What a great idea for Valentine's Day.

Arfmann Family said...

I was so glad to get your Christmas Card and find that you have a blog. Your kids are adorable and I love seeing what you're all up to. I have a blog too, but it's private, so send me an email, and I can send you an invite. the blog address is arfmannfamily.blogspot. and my email is
It will be great to keep in touch!