Thursday, December 09, 2010

Lost: One Lower Central Inscisor!

Sammi lost her first tooth! It was an exciting day. The girls woke up and were just talking. Sammi was still in bed and biting her blankets. Alex playfully pulled the blankets out of her mouth and out came a very loose tooth too! Sammi got this cute badge and a tote full of books about losing teeth from school. In case you didn't know, it is a pretty cool thing to lose a tooth in kindergarten. According to her, the best part was waking up to money under her pillow courtesy of the Tooth Fairy. I think that she is just as cute as ever!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

First days of school

Sammi started "real school." That's right. Sammi has made her debut in the public school system. Kindergarten, watch out. You are about to be dazzled by a fun-loving, silly, sweet, and brilliant five-year-old.
Alex is thrilled to be back in school. This social butterfly is happy to be back among the crowd again. Third grade beware. You are about to be charmed by a funny, talented, smart-as-a-whip, cute as a bug, eight-year-old.
FYI: Along with the first week of school, also came a head cold for all of us to enjoy. The germs have officially begun.

Monday, September 06, 2010


Last year we had such a great time in Florida, we repeated the vacation this year. Our drive there was filled with a bit of car-sickness for Sammi, a little too much milk and juice guzzling for Andrew and some wicked Alabama rain.

New this year: boiled peanuts, a morning on a pontoon boat for snorkeling, shell hunting and dolphin watching, fishing off of the dock at Redfish Lake, a little extra sunblock to avoid getting scorched (this was a lesson learned the hard way last year), Andrew sleeping in a bed instead of the portable crib, a day in Panama City for lunch at Five Guys with fries from potatoes from good ole Rigby, ID (Five Guys is a favorite where ever we go), carnival rides, and an exhausting shopping experience, and a trip to Destin for mini golf.

Same as last year: pottery with the girls at Fired Up, golf for Steve, plenty of swimming in the pool, boogie boarding in the gulf, lounging the morning away at the beach, lizard watching, a bike ride to Goatfeathers to get fresh caught fish for dinner, staying at our favorite location off of 30a, and plenty of sunshine with a great tan to prove it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wrigley Field

May 15, 2010 - We enjoyed a great day at Wrigley Field. We had great seats, decent weather for all nine innings, and the kids really liked the Build-a-Bear giveaway. Steve contemplated taking the three kids by himself, but I was able to cancel a prior appointment and join them - lucky for Steve, as it was pretty tough keeping track of the kids and cleaning up after the cotton candy free-for-all!

Taking in a Saturday afternoon game at Wrigley is a great experience - as Ferris Bueller said, "If you have the means, I highly recommend it".

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Legal update

For those of you who saw my post with my juror questionnaire, I did receive a follow up letter. Bum, bum, bum, bum (music in background) I was summoned to serve in a district court in downtown Chicago for a six week trial! You read that right folks-six weeks! Can you imagine leaving my little angels at 6:30 in the morning and getting home just in time to tuck them in bed for a month and a half? Not to mention leaving them with whatever poor neighbor I could spring them on one day at a time? Mom graciously flew out to my assistance on a one-way flight not knowing if I would be able to plead my own case to be dismissed from service. Heaven hears prayers: four days before I was to appear for the first day of the trial I was informed that the judge and trial lawyers granted my request to be dismissed due to unnecessary hardships that the duration would have on my family! Hallelujah (angelic choirs in unison)!!!! Dad came out too, but just stayed a few days. Mom spent a week of fun with us, which was better than a long nanny service. Thanks for always being willing to help!

Spring= mud, picnics, mud, soccer, mud, bike rides, and a very happy muddy boy

Grandma and Grandpa S visit, a school musical, mini golf in the house and a cute little boy in his favorite truck jammies

Andrew is 2?!

How did this sweet little baby turn into a little boy so fast? He makes me melt! He is very seriously considering his birthday wish here!


After evaluating our loot from Santa and having a yummy Christmas lunch, we drove to Milwaukee to visit some of the best friends that life has to offer. We love you and miss you! Did Santa really bring a dog for Andrew? No, this one is only for visiting.

After Thanksgiving Fun

The annual after-Thanksgiving-Downtown trip: Museum, ice skating, Macy's to see Santa. This year we added breakfast in the Walnut room to the agenda. It will find a permanent spot on the agenda from hence forth!
FYI: the girls asked for a wii, a dog, a ds, and scooters. Santa supplied scooters, grandma and grandpa s took care of the wii, the dog will have to wait, as far as a ds-never sounds good to me.